The Class

Posted by : rickywindra | Sabtu, 28 November 2009 | Published in

Hee heh he. try to make it in English even though it not really good…but by the way. Nice to see you again because you increasing my hit, thanks for reading this sh*t….after coming to this town, now I fall in love with it, environment, work ethics and life styles create a new situation that I’ve never have before…. …at the first Monday I came, I feel like I loss my identity, no one know where I come from. 1. There was an Indian (I guess…) girl she tried to speak with Indian language from her gesture I guess she asked about an address, but you know I new to this I just answer it, sorry,” first I new to this town and country so I don’t know where the address is, second I don’t know what you’re trying to say to me…so sorry…” and then she left…good point is somebody thought that I am form India. In the afternoon an 50 years old Asian guy try to speak –I don’t know whether it Chinese or Vietnamese- then he asked the guy “do you come from Thailand ?” I just said no I come from Indonesia…so where I come from is it china or Thailand..i just wondering why that guy guess I come from Thailand…so it may be I ate too much Thailand rice thanks to my government that imports Thailand rice, maybe they should import Italian bread so in the next 24 years maybe there will be Indonesian who looks like Italian, hope soo. P.s “ I wore batik at the time, I thought it will make easier to people around here to recognize where I come from, as I now batik has it patent from Unesco that batik is Indonesian heritage, INDONESIAN HERITAGE….however no one recognize batik or even where I come from…why everybody- at least people I know- proud about 1 October the made 1 October become batik day in Indonesia, hey man they still don’t know what batik is and where it comes least in my case”
My class is fantastic there are a lot of people who come from different countries, in my class we have Chinese who dominating the class through its number may be 80 % of the class comes from Chinese. Then we have Korean. This Korean boy is really funny guy, he always makes class laugh…his just finish his study at senior high in Korea..we have one Taiwan guy his name is ten, you know meteor garden –a movie which our Indonesian girl love so much- I ask him “do you know meteor garden” he answer “what is that”. “is your movies man” , “ no I’ve never heard about it” heee…. Then we have 2 Arabic people, so about this friend told me that Arabic likes to talk, the always have good score in speaking. its good actually it makes class more interactive. And the last person in class is me…well I wont explain much about my self in this blog…you’ll find out by yourself. Hehe
My teacher’s name is Jacqueline we call her jack…I don’t know. Teacher here don’t want we to call them “teacher” when we call them that way they will answer “hey student”. I would like to say miss Jacqueline. But I don’t know whether she married or no..want to call her Ms but it sound like miss too, while to ask someone age is impolite here…so i just call here jack… one other thing about her, she love Sheila on 7 ya I sure I write it correctly, is SHELIA on 7..she likes berhenti berharap…she even have its video, from YouTube. And she knows how to sing it…waw, it interesting to have a foreigner who likes our song…

First Day In Ausie

Posted by : rickywindra | Jumat, 20 November 2009 | Published in

tepat jam 8.55 arrive di bandara internasional di sydeny, bandara nya bagus dimana semua tampak teratur dan baik. melewati imigrasi sangat mudah jika visa dan paspor dipegang tak akan susah untuk melewati imigrasi. perjuangan baru dimulai waktu melewati quarantine, dimana rendang dan kue maksuba harus menginap di quarantine dan mereka bilang akan dimusnahkan. alasannya rendang dan maksuba tidak boleh masuk negara karena mereka terbuat dari daging dan telur dimana daging dan telur tersebut bisa membawa virus flu burung atau flu babi.
lepas dari quarantine kemudian saya keluar dan menuju kearah taksi, untung banyak tanda jalan yang memudahkan orang yang baru pertama datang ke negara ini. untuk memakai jasa taksi kita harus mengantri ada petugas yang mengatur antrian dan memanggil taksi satu-persatu., akhirnya giliran saya tiba. tujuan saya yang pertama adalah 10 quay st, tempat dimana student service nya insearch berada, membutuhkan waktu sekitar 20 menit untuk sampai ke 10 quay st. Dengan koper, ransel, dan segala macam tas saya mendaftar ulang di student service dan dikasih student card, disini masalah baru dimulai. setelah kesana kemari mencari solusi yang paling tepat akhirnya jam 1.30 saya masih belum menemukan solusi, dan harus kembali lagi hari senin. jam 1.30 kelas pun dimulai, belum sempat memasukkan semua barang ke kost saya harus masuk kelas karena sudah terlambat hampir satu minggu. perasaan saya masih berada di pesawat sehingga saya masih merasa seperti melayang-layang diudara, so saya tidak bisa menyimak dengan baik pelajaran hari itu, but teman-teman sekelas semuanya baik dan mereka bersedia membantu untuk menjelaskan pelajaran yang saya tidak dapat pada minggu ini, thanks guys. akhirnya jam 6,30 bisa sampe di kost. yang mendapat taksi dimana supirnya adalah orang indonesia, namanya pak muslim, saya minta no handphone beliau dan beliau tidak berkeberatan untuk memberinya. beliau telah tinggal di australia sejak tahun 1973, sebuah waktu dimana saya sendiri belum lahir. jarak dari tempat saya kursus dan kost tidak terlalu jauh sekitar 3 menit dengan mobil. pak muslim menolak untuk dibayar biayanya sih kecil cuma 7 dolar tapi saya memaksa untuk tetap memberinya dan akhirnya beliau terima. setelah menurunkan saya, tepat dimana saya turun ada orang yang membutuhkan taksi lagi, setelah mereka membuka pintu bule-bule itu memanggil saya "sir you left your things here" uups hampir saya lupa mengambil dokumen visa dan dokumen penting lainnya. jadi hari ini saya berterima kasih pada tiga orang 1. teman-teman di tempat kursus yang membantu mengejar ketertinggalan saya, 2. pak muslim, 3. dan bule yang mengingatkan barang saya di taksi thanks for your help guys. tapi kata-kata bule itu yang "sir you left your things here" dengan sedikit aksen inggris benar-benar meyakinkan saya bahwa saya benar ada di Australia....dan hari pertama saya di Australia is really-really a hard day.